704.933.2125 northkannbc@gmail.com


Our Preschool/Children’s Ministry is committed to sharing Jesus with children at an early age.

Age-specific Sunday School is held on Sunday mornings from 9:45-10:30 a.m.

Children’s Church for grades K-5 is held on Sunday mornings during morning worship service using a skit-based Bible curriculum.

Vacation Bible School held during the summer is always one of the highlights of the year for this age group; other special and seasonal events are also planned throughout the year.


I, the undersigned parent or guardian, hereby consent to my child participating in any and all events or activities, whether on campus or off campus, as sponsored by North Kannapolis Baptist Church. Unless otherwise noted, I certify that my child is able to participate in any and all sponsored events. If my child has medical conditions that may be relevant (to a physician), in the event of an emergency, I have listed them above. In the event an emergency occurs, I may be reached at the telephone number/email address below. If I cannot be reached, I hereby authorize North Kannapolis Baptist Church through its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, or representatives to render or obtain such emergency medical care or treatment for my child as may be necessary should any injury, harm, or accident occur to my child while participating in any or all activities/events. If applicable, I understand and acknowledge that North Kannapolis Baptist Church does not provide health or medical insurance in connection with any and all activities/events and I agree that I will be financially responsible for any bills incurred as a result of medical treatment, including emergency medical treatment and/or transportation to a medical facility, in connection with my child’s participation in any and all activities/events. I recognize that there are risks involved in participating in any activity or event and hereby assume all risk of injury, harm, damage, or death in connection with my child’s participation in any or all activities/events, including activities/events preliminary and subsequent thereto. I understand and agree that neither North Kannapolis Baptist Church nor its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, or representatives may be held liable in any way for any injury, harm, damage, or death that may occur as a result of my child’s participation in any sponsored activities/events and hereby release and hold harmless North Kannapolis Baptist Church its trustees, officers, directors, employees, agents, and representatives from any claim by myself, my estate, heirs, successors, assigns, or other persons arising out of my child’s participation in any and all sponsored activities/events.
North Kannapolis Baptist Church has permission to photograph my child during this event. I understand that these photographs may be used by North Kannapolis Baptist Church for future promotional materials and that North Kannapolis Baptist Church will, under NO circumstances, distribute ANY photos or information regarding my child without my permission given here.
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